Saturday, September 15, 2007

(with pix) Thursday, Friday, Thomson, Boulder

Ooooh, Boulder, Colorado... one of my favorite places! The best climate, life is outside, great food, interesting people, and the vibrancy, mayhem, and pace of a college town.

I arrived on Thursday afternoon, in time for a bike ride part way up to Nederland on the Boulder Canyon road, while Thomson was at work. It's simple to ride up, up, uphill here, in three of the four compass directions! Awesome routes everywhere. Thoms and I ate at Hapa Sushi (as Beth said, "that figures, knowing Thomson!") (she knows Thomson), which has traditional and revolutionary Japanese food. We quickly bumped into part of the Gould Academy posse out here: Mike Lanigan and Aidan Payson. On Friday I had another great ride, that included a 1,700' climb that starts about a mile from Thomson's apartment! I was chatting with another rider at the top, and it turns out he owns the three Hapa Sushi restaurants... good chuckle, small world.

Boulder is a great place for beautiful cycling and napping horses.

And long, swoopy, curvy descents...

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