Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Schields Need a Yurt

On Monday, I cruised through Chicago,

past the scene of my MBA brilliance at Northwestern,

including our lovely, nearly-lakeside apartment.

It was here that the monastic life of an overworked grad student (you doubt me?) let me fall into the deepest abyss of gelatinous sloth of my entire fitness life, ending in my once-in-a-lifetime pursuit of the previously elusive 200-pound goal. A strict diet of beer (Rhinelander, as Johns remembers) and nachos flung me several pounds past my goal. I then shed those lipids like ethics off a politician, and have not trespassed into Never Never Land since.

So then I rendezvoused with Mike Schield,

which began an exhausting two days of Life With The Schields. Three lively kids, Nick...

Odd-Z (aka "Audrey", shy, demure, very mysterious)

Mizz Lady Nina of the Perpetual Smile

two full-speed adults, more opinions and insights and questions per minute than in an entire night of cable tee-vee news shows. Food, guests, babysitters, food, carpenters, emergency officials, food, sightseeing, phones ringing, emails, chain saw people, dropping off kids, picking up kids, horses, tennis rackets, and more food. These people need a yurt in Idaho with no cell service or internet. If I find one, I'll let them know.

Man, that was a big tree that tipped over in their front yard,

and they have imported a chain saw artiste from a far off land to create some front yard stump art, or as they say in Wilmette, "de l'art de stumpe."

Somehow we managed to get through a whole evening of good cheer with the Johnsons and Ted Martin without a single pic, but geez it was good to see them. Ted is writing a second book, and he claims he thought up the title himself this time. We'll see. Johns is lookin' fine and feelin' good, especially now that I'm catching up to the torrid early pace he set in, umm, lengthening the forehead and other related scalp-like areas.

(Mike parks wherever he wants. I like that. Very convenient.)

Millennium Park in Chicago was the sightseeing highlight,

and it is a wonderful and versatile piece of architecture and multi-use urban planning,

that is helping to create a surge in residential life and development in downtown Chicago... pretty cool.

Great times and fine cuisine Chez Schield, but it was time to go on Wednesday morning. A bientot!

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