Friday, October 05, 2007

U Cal Berkeley, Site of Violent Student Protests

After Saying good-bye to Beth, I took my life in my hands and toured U Cal Berkeley and the surrounding neighborhoods. Scene of violent and bloody student protests, I knew not what to expect. Wearing no protective equipment other than a climbing helmet, I toured the town and the campus. Signs of government
oppression were everywhere,
and it quickly became clear the kids had a lot to violently protest about.

Here are a few students probably lying wounded
at a recent riot scene.

I'm pretty sure these anarchists were about to lob a few Molotov cocktails,
so I fled the campus.

I was in bad need of a haircut, and I was disappointed to learn that nowadays you can even get your hair cut short in Berkeley. Kids these days... sheesh!
And may I recommend an ethnic restaurant?

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