Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Hungry Redneck

Boise, Idaho, looks a lot like a lot of other places, so I beat it out of there early in the AM. I started looking for a breakfast spot shortly after entering Oregon and the Pacific Time Zone. I was hungry, in the middle of nowhere in eastern Oregon, and there was not a town for miles. Anxiety clutched my throat when I realized I was approaching the North Pole,

so I turned off the AC and asked Lady Garmin, Spokeswoman of the GPS, to search for a roadside diner. Nothing in her massive database.

Then I saw it... The Hungry Red Neck Cafe!

Put Durkee, Oregon on your Must Visit short lists. Forget French Laundry. Emeril is yesterday's breakfast. Ditch Rachel Ray. Born about 60 years ago in Ukraine to Italian parents, the chef worked his way up to 5-star restaurants in LA, before tiring of serving "2 ounces of this, 2 ounces of that," moved to Oregon (en route to the North Pole), and opened a 5-star diner!
I had the Daily Special of Homemade Corn Beef (tasted like corned beef to me) Hash with eggs, toast and coffee, and I'll be back. My long-haul trucker breakfast mate was on his normal route, taking Iams dog food from Nebraska to Seattle. The Red Neck was a fine dining experience (as opposed to a fine-dining experience... a good example of the importance of why there's a rule about hyphenating multi-word adjectives, students!), with excellent food and good company.

Shortly after breakfast, I set a Personal Record for Longest Distance Coasting Without Brakes or Fuel, at over six miles! (I wonder if they'd get mad if I tried it on the velo?)

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